The UK's largest supplier of refurbished commercial combi ovens.

Rational 20 Grid Gas

(2 products)

Rational are a German, industry leading brand of combi ovens. Known for their advanced functionality, reliability and ease of use, this is the brand of refurbished combi ovens which we get asked about the most.

We supply a full range of refurbished Rational combi oven models right from the Combi Master, Self Cooking Centre, White Efficiency, Combi Master Plus and the 5 senses combi ovens. Sizes range from 6 grid, 10 grid, 20 grid and 40 grid. It is worth noting that every one of our experienced combi oven engineers have been on full Rational training prior to working on our refurbished combi ovens for sale. 

If you cannot see the exact model of Rational oven you are looking for below, please do call 01227469692 (option 1), as we have a high turnover of ovens and will be sure to have a combi oven suitable for your needs. 

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